About Cognitian

20+ years of experience in Human Factors research and design, working with digital, electronic and autonomous technologies.
Investigating Human Factors for safer and better interactions.
Merging cognitive science with autonomy technology.

A background in cognitive science has led to work on projects in various domains. These include Human Factors research, usability studies and pilot-state monitoring and performance. A major area of our work has focused on the autonomous vehicle domain, at both industry and EU-funded research levels.  

Safety Culture -
for learning and improving

Understanding contributing factors, human influence through incident reporting, interviewing, perspective analysis, etc is key to improving safety culture and setting parameters for new legislation. We help clients understand how to combine physiology monitoring, sensor equipment and data analysis.

The work we love

Whether for improved safety culture, technology
development or pre-development concepts, Human Factors research and testing are the key to success at every stage. We help our clients understand on user needs, interactions and cognition in complex user environments. 
Safety culture & risk management
Product dev: assisted
& automated systems
Strategy & operations roadmapping
Policy, legislation & compliance

Example projects

We have a track record of having worked on an array of domain-agnostic projects, including:
Automated vehicles: proof-of-concepts 

Studies of Human Machine Interface concepts for optimised mode awareness in Assisted/Highly automated driving.

Driver/operator monitoring sensors

Driver monitoring studies using cameras, wearables or microwave sensing technologies in naturalistic driving. 

Automated vehicles: Transfer of control

Naturalistic studies of driver interaction with assisted driving technologies, analysing driver and system performance.

& MTO analysis

Analyses of chain-of-events leading up to a critical event in terms of human, technological or organisational factors.

Panel member: Policy
& Legislation

Review and propose content of legislation for mandatory safety equipment. 

Fatigue Research &
Risk Management

Systematic prevention of fatigue-related crashes by promoting safe practices combined with detection and early warning.

Automated vehicles: novel HMI strategies

Situation-aware interaction concepts to improve a driver's understanding of the vehicle's capabilities and driver responsibilities.

Simulator technology development 

Adapting existing simulator and XR-technology for new use cases.

Driver-attention measurements 

Camera-based methods for assessing driver attention and awareness.

Driver states from physiology data

Exploration of the feasibility of real-time human state sensing using physiology data.

Sensor–data integrative information systems 

Improving situation-specific data by networking sensors from vehicles and infrastructure.

Functional safety
& safe-by-design 

Analysis of possible failure modes and propose safe-by-design and intrinsic safety barriers.

Why don't we start by connecting on LinkedIn? Come and say hello.

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Cognitian AB is a limited company founded in Sweden in 2024.


Org.nr. 559474-3113

F-skatt: Ja
Momsregistrering: Ja


Registered address:
Cognitian AB
Nybrogatan 8 
575 31 Eksjö


hello (at) cognitian (dot) se